The story revolves around a family, which is headed by a millionaire widow Begum Jahanara. The play begins when the eldest son of the family secretly marries a dancer from a different religious background. The mother blames the son for her husband’s untimely death, which she believes was caused by the shock from the son’s inter-faith marriage.
Ripon Nabi is the director of the play.
The cast includes Afroza Banu, Gazi Rakayet, Kumkum Hasan, Korovi Mizan, Aparna, Alif, Nisho, Tamalika Karmakar, Shams Shumon and Ruhi.
Date & Time:
The serial airs Friday through Sunday every week.
Ripon Nabi is the director of the play.
The cast includes Afroza Banu, Gazi Rakayet, Kumkum Hasan, Korovi Mizan, Aparna, Alif, Nisho, Tamalika Karmakar, Shams Shumon and Ruhi.
Date & Time:
The serial airs Friday through Sunday every week.